IHIB Istanbul Carpet Week 2019 - International Carpet Conference -
Pazırık Carpet Collection
Samsun Collection
ICI Zara Collection
Zile Collection
Türkiye The Land of Magic Flying Carpets
Why Turkish Hand-Made Carpets ?
As I stated earlier on how I became interrested in hand-made Turkish Carpets;I decided that I needed more information to be able to help my guests when they asked me about quality and price differences.I went to the Grand Bazaar of İstanbul and asked some shop keepers if they would teach me about the art of making carpets by hand in my country.They were rather reluctant giving the secrets of their trade to the public and they told me they would teach me if I would work for them.
My name is Aydın Eroğlu. I was born in 1947 in Ankara, Türkiye. In the last 50 years of my life I worked as a professional tour guide licensed by the Turkish Ministry of Tourism.
There are 4 easy steps to buy a Turkish Carpet from the real source.
1- Be a Smart Spender
As explained in section ‘’Why Turkish Hand-Made Carpets?’’ one should decide on their hand-made carpets before choosing their furniture.The reason is very simple.Eventhough this might rule out some of our previous traditions and common law applications a good quality Turkish Hand-Made carpet will outlive its inhabitants as well as outlasting the house in which it will be used.If you decide to be a smart spender simply decide first whether you prefer nomadic/geometric or overall floral designs.Then tell us your colour preferences and remember when you say blues and greens the one that will appeal to you will have other colours besides blues and greens but what one registers when looking at a hand-made carpet is the ‘’colour harmony’’that carpet displays.
It works similar to shopping for a pair of shoes;when you look at the window of a shoe store probably out of twenty shoes you only like one of them.You go inside and try that pair but if it is not exactly your size you do not buy it.Then they will bring out other similar pair of shoes in your size and you will probably refrain from buying the similar pair because it does not speak to your heart.So we will send you more pictures until your heart is fulfilled.
Finding the right hand-made carpet is like getting married.Generally speaking people get married to have a family for the future.However the wife and the husband may have different tastes.So when a couple is about to purchase a hand-made carpet my suggestion is;if she likes it she can decorate her house with it but if he likes it and decorates his office with it they will pleasantly enjoy their carpets for as long as they live.
2- Selecting The Carpet
After visiting our http://www.turkishcarpetsforever.com/ if you wish to get in touch with us please send us an e-mail and specify which one of our inventory you would like to know more about by stating its inventory number;such as # 10386; will be the world famous ‘’Hacı Celili’’ carpet. Then we will give you its details including size; material used;its brand name;description of its design and based on your delivery address we shall give you its final price including all related expenses.
#10386 Carpet ID
This is a " Samsun Haci Celili Cloned Special"The original one from Tabriz,Persia was double knotted in 1850's. ICI spent 8 years to be able to clone antique carpets. So when you feel this carpet it feels 150 years old.The antique carpet market is very short supplied as collectors do not sell them. So ICI cloned carpets will be at auctions in the next 20 years.
3- Deciding Together
Once you give us the size of the carpet you are looking for and give us the inventory # number that appeals to you then we can send you other pictures of some othercarpets that might appeal to you.This collection that is listed is a very special selection from our inventory comprising from thousands of carpets to facilitate you with the right choice.
Please remember a good quality Turkish Hand-Made Carpet is a Collectable according to the Fortune Magazine 1989 special issue.
4- Purchasing Safely
Once you decide to purchase one of our carpets then you can pay us with your credit cards or send money to our bank account.Following your payment immediate shipping procedure will commence and you will be given an estimated time frame before you will receive your carpet. Please read our ‘’We Guarantee Your Satisfaction Sales Contract’’ before signing it.
Our Prizes
Atlanta Americasmart Magnificent Carpets Awards
“Heriz” ICI Zara Collection Winner of 2008 Award
“Tebriz” Samsun Collection Winner of 2009 Award
“Heriz” ICI Zara Collection Winner of 2010 Award
“Polonaise” Samsun Collection Winner of 2011 Award
"Heriz" Sivas Silk Collection Winner of 2012 Award
It was 1986 when l met Aydın abi;’’Abi means older brother in Turkish’.’ I was a young boy and a nominee to become a rug vender employeed by Lapis Rug & Jewellery Store. Aydın abi, at that time, was the executive chief of educational trainings of Turkish hand made rugs which we all went through. When the training course was over we all performed what we had learnt so far in front of the jury led by Aydın abi. I was one of the lucky ones to be selected by the jury .
Thus, I got started with a progressive course given by Aydın abi. l memorized an eight page of lecture in English about Turkish rugs prepared by him and started to present the rugs to our non local visitors; rather unexpectedly; in a very professional way. All that happened in such a short period of time was totally and truly related to Aydın abi's most efficient methodology in teaching. Today, in 2017, as being an eminent rug merchant of this market, l must say that I owe a lot to Aydın abi.
I also managed to built an extra ordinary brotherhood relationship with him and took advantage of his life experiences which guided me on to correct path of my life. Aydın abi with his visionary mind and personality;always open for evolution is a very true guide of life who is able to make it happen ;in any plan and project that he believes in. l'm very pleased that l met you,and that you are still around Aydın abi. Wish you all the best,
Erkut Kula
Erkut KulaMy student from İstanbul on Turkish Carpets
Almost ten years ago ;it was a great privilege for me to meet with Mr.Aydın Eroğlu in Cappadocia Avanos near Nevşehir in March 2007. Me and some other sales people took two-day classes; 4-hours a day and since then Mr.Eroğlu became my best friend and mentor forever.In my literature there is not enough words to describe you.However; sharing your great researches and the know-how about Turkish hand -made carpets and what you have done for Turkish Tourism widened our future approach to our customers.Your manner,teaching ability and the way you talk was and is amazing.
Since we met I have learned a lot from you and still learning.I do appreciate for the time you have spent with me every time we got together and I still add a lot in to my know-how.Your very first important teaching was ''%100 Customer Satisfaction is Guaranteed '' Knowing you is a great luck for me.You are a great man and a great friend.Since then you are my mentor Mr. Eroğlu. Thank you for everything that you have done for me and please note that I will be following your ideas as long as I survive. I would like to close this short writing with one of your teaching.''Right information is the most important commodity in the world''
Sincerely yours,
Korkmaz Karakaya
Your Student.
Korkmaz KarakayaMy Sudent from Cappadocia on Turkish Carpets
I am very grateful that you shared your life long experience and your know-how on Turkish Carpets with me.Thank you for the time and consideration you have extended to us; in teaching everything you know; especially realizing how difficult it is in our career to find a teacher who is willing to duplicate himself so there is more rivalry which would increase every ones performance despite the very much human jealousy that we all have.Therefore we really appreciate all your efforts.I could not have asked for a better teacher in my career on Hand-Made Carpets for more than 30 years.
I appreciate having had the opportunity to learn from you how to provide "Correct Information " and all your suggestions which would increase our sales and "Customer Satisfaction "thus paving the way to set my future goals.
You also thought me that "Education"does not stop at the classroom and the merit of "Information " being the most important commodity on earth as long as it is unbiased and correct,for as long as we live.
I am forever indebted for all your help that you gave me any time I needed it.You are a wonderful teacher who has always filled our minds and hearts with your energy and ideas.Each time we met you allowed me to record the answer to my questions and as of this very moment you still do not refrain from being a true guide showing me the right way.
Best Regards,
Ahmet Ermutlu
Ahmet ErmutluMy student from Kuşadası near Ephesus on Turkish Carpets
Master Aydın, it is not possible to describe your works with some sentences but l would like to explain my feelings briefly;you are a great value with your contribution and support to Turkish Tourism Sector. l am always proud of being your student. l really appreciate this wonderful website which can be addressed at all times. Best regards,
Mehmet ErgenMy student from Cappadocia on Turkish Carpets
From Left to Right:Ms.Dilek Çelik (the Tour Guide),Nawaf Albaajan,Adel Alkandari,Aydın Eroğlu,Thamer Alragam,Abdulaziz Allangawi,Talal Albisher,Waleed Almartah.Our Guests From Kuwait